An exceedingly straightforward and refined multi-omics endeavor!
"Here, we present DISCO-MS, a technology that combines whole-organ/whole-organism clearing and imaging, deep-learning-based image analysis, robotic tissue extraction, and ultra-high-sensitivity mass spectrometry."
Paper: https://lnkd.in/gAG4QX4D
• DISCO-MS is an AI and robotics assisted spatial proteomics technique for optically cleared whole specimens, yielding proteome akin to fresh samples.
• DISCO-bot-aided DISCO-MS identifies spatial immune cell heterogeneity in mouse bones and plaque heterogeneity in human coronary arteries.
Authors (shortened):
A combined effort by Harsharan S. Bhatia, PhD., Andreas-David Brunner, Furkan Ozturk, Dr Saketh Kapoor, PhD et al., in Cell Press
Helmholtz Munich, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Bruker, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
"F.T. reports receiving consulting fees from Roche Diagnostics GmbH and Cellarity, Inc., and ownership interest in Cellarity, Inc., and Dermagnostix. A.E., H.S.B., F.O., S.K., M.I.T., and M.N. have filed a patent related to robotics technologies presented in this work."