Humble Beginnings

By Thomas Perkins, Jr.

Let’s take it back 5 years to 2017 with a very human post:

  • I had college credits from Butler CC, University of Kansas, Kapiolani College, and UH Maui.

  • Every college I reached out to said I would have to attend 3-4 more years to get my bachelors degree, regardless of the 122 credit hours I had already accrued.

  • I had a 2.0 GPA from one failing semester following a tragic moment in life where I had lost a best friend forever. It has haunted/bothered me ever since.

  • I was a new 23 year-old student at Solano Community College where they offer a B.S. in Biomanufacturing. Not only that, the biomanufacturing laboratories at SCC were funded by Genentech to inspire new students to work with them at their facilities in Vacaville, California.

I have to thank: Jim DeKloe , Edward Re and Maria Santiago for helping make science so…LIBERATING!

Although I never finished the program, I owe it to these awesome scientists for my success as they really taught me how to become independent via understanding biology, chemistry, and biotechnology.

To pay it back, I will be coming to speak to the 2022-2023 classes at SCC this September.

Not everyone gets the same opportunities in life but I hope to negate that excuse by sharing knowledge and experiences for free. You can accomplish anything, no matter what situation you come from and I’d like to have that discussion with you.

So if you see this post and you want to become a scientist but don’t know what steps to take next, please reach out to me here at TapBioscience

Stay tuned for more:
- Human experiences
- Work Experiences
- Companies of the week
- New Mentors (International opportunity)


Becoming an Advisor

